What did you think you were gonna find? There's nothing here. The fact you had to go out of your way to search this page up on the address bar, or find it through some magic, shows effort thoough. DM my Discord, it's Bloxed#4852 unless you're here by the time Discord removed discriminators. Wish me luck on getting a good name! If I ain't Bloxed, try BloxedRetro. Otherwise, I'm sorry but unless I change this page, you just have to look for me. Anyway, message me "I found the test and completed it, sir" on Discord if you find this page, and I'll give you something, unless you're finding this in the distant future and I'm dead. If so, please make a pretentious YouTube video about this long-forgotten web page probably only visited or edited once. In the words of Plankton, don't let the flame die out! Anyway, you're probably bored reading all this. Congrats on finding the page anyway. Screencap this and send it to me if you want (the whole page). My email is jake.metc@gmail.com if you want to email instead. Because there's nothing else on this page, I'll leave you with the rest of the template for these neocities pages. Thanks! [This page was finished at 15:52 17/05/2023]
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